Friday, February 19, 2010

Good Things Are Happening

I wanted to post here about some things that I think are promising.  They show me that I’m not alone in my goal to change how things are working in government.  I love seeing this stuff because it shows that every day ordinary citizens ARE awake and are taking a stand against the flood of Big Government.

So just to list a few:

1. The National Tea Party Convention-got a lot of publicity and I’ve read many articles about how powerful this movement could be if taken in the right direction.  Republicans in government are listening because they are trying to get themselves aligned with the movement.  Good signs!  Many are trying to say that the Tea Party movement is “looking for a leader” and wanting to get connected to the Republican party, but I disagree.  I think the movement’s power comes from the fact that it hits every political group and has no leader.  Tea partiers are looking for candidates who support founding principles and  fiscal responsibility in elections ALL over the country.  It is regular ordinary citizens standing up and fighting back. The movement may yet end up with a leader, who knows, but for now it’s making people aware of the problems and the direction the solutions need to take.  It’s motivating Americans to get involved in their government.  
Google Tea Party and your state to find out where your local April 15th Tax Day Tea Party will be happening!  My husband and I are going to make the New York City Tea Party a date and I can’t wait!

2. The Mount Vernon Statement-a conservative manifesto

3. The Contract FROM America-a list put together by Tea Partiers of issues that should be first and foremost in government for 2010.

4. Mitt Romney's CPAC speech-really Good!

5.  All the democrats that have decided not to run for re-election! 

Good things are happening! 


  1. Regarding leaders for the tea parties, I suppose part of the point of the tea parties is that they consist of leaders. They are groups of citizens who recognize and believe that we all need to be leaders to truly have a government of, by, and for the people.

  2. I don't think the party needs a leader per se. I believe that the benefit of the party is that it get people to seriously look at and discuss the truly important issues. Once we get the discussion started there will be clear voices to follow. We will know them because they speak of ideals and principles. They follow the guidance of the Constitution rather than finding ways to change the Constitution.
    This is why the party is growing so rapidly. People long for the truth and strong principles and they are finding both in this movement.
