Thursday, January 7, 2010

Don’t Shut Me Out!

I get MAD at the news on a daily basis right now. What set me off yesterday was the news that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are planning to kick C-Span out of the negotiations and proceedings as they hammer out the health care bill. How anyone can call themselves a representative of the American people and then shut them out of the process as Reid and Pelosi have done and apparently want to do some more as they finalize their monstrosity is totally beyond me. It is so incredibly wrong that I wonder why more people aren't screaming about it. The President of C-Span wrote a letter to the White House which hasn't been answered as of yet. Newt Gingrich wrote his weekly letter about it. And the Wall Street Journal had an op-ed about it.
See here:
Newt Newsletter

and here: 
WSJ Article 
But I think there should be more shouting of foul being heard. To create such life changing, economy changing, government changing legislation behind closed doors so the American people cannot see it and therefore cannot fight is tantamount to treason in my opinion. 
trea⋅son /ˈtrizən/ [tree-zuhn]
–noun 1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.<strong> </strong>

Why are more people not screaming? Is it because everyone knows this is so ludicrous they won't get away with it? How could one think that after Reid's Christmas Eve backroom dealings? They can and often DO get away with it. They'll bribe whoever they have to to get this bill through. So what can we do? I wrote my congressman and senators yesterday to tell them what I think of such an idea. Feelin like that won't do much here in the liberal state of NJ but at least I can vent here. If you agree with me WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMEN. If you have other ideas let me know!! Here is a great video that describes perfectly the corruption in Washington right now. Though I did not fall for the "Hope and Change" slogans and certainly did not vote for these people, it is wonderful to know that other people are MAD too and that not everyone is asleep. Some of you have seen it I'm sure and thanks to Mom H for sending it my way. I apologize for the bikini girl (stupid adds!)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. We should be screaming. This is not at all what the founders had in mind when they started this government. It truly is appalling that the Democrats in Congress feel that it is their responsibility to include universal health care in our list of rights.
    Congress can not grant rights or take them away. They are inalienable rights granted by our creator.
    If we want a better government lets start by having Congress read the Constitution.
