Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I am MAD-a Mother Against Drunk Governing. I am so sick and tired of the corruption that goes on in our Nation's Capital that I have decided to start this blog to 1. Vent my frustrations 2. Express my study of how government should be done in writing and 3. Somehow be a rallying wake up call to those who read it. If nothing else, my poor husband is tired of listening to me rant and I have got to do something before I explode. So here goes.

I am not a political scholar and I have never run for office. But I have a deep love and life long interest in US history, our Founding Fathers and the incredible work they accomplished. Not many children would spend their book order money on books about Abraham Lincoln, or spend date night in college reading up on the Declaration of Independence, but I did. I was even asked once by my roommates in amazement, "You're reading that just for fun?" But life and a major, my job, marriage, then children kept me from my study. Recently, though, I have felt an overwhelming need and desire to learn all I can about our founding documents and history. In part, so that I can teach that knowledge to my children so they can carry on the Founders legacy and also so that I can help stop our country's headlong rush into the socialism that would destroy that legacy. There are major problems in Washington. Our government leaders are ignoring the constitution. It is breathtaking to see how far we as a country have come from those founding principles, from what the founders wanted or planned or even solidified as law in the constitution.

I wasn't always aware of this shift. I grew up in a home that was not apolitical, but not openly opinionated about politics. My parents voted Republican most of the time but didn't share strong feelings about their views. And though I've always had an interest in US History I was not very aware of what actually went on in Washington. But now, thanks to all the current political events I am coming into my political knowledge and awareness with a crashing bang. And I am MAD. I want to shout to the rest of my generation and others "DO YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING? WAKE UP AND TAKE A STAND! DON'T LET THE GOVT. DO THIS! DON'T LET THEM RUN AWAY WITH YOUR MONEY AND YOUR FREEDOM WHILE YOU WATCH YOUR REALITY SHOWS AND PLAY YOUR FACEBOOK GAMES! I really feel like that is why government is headed the direction it is, why it is as BIG as it is. Because people are not paying attention. They are asleep at the wheel assuming those they elect will drive correctly. They assume that it is enough for someone else to know the constitution and uphold it's principles. It's someone else's job. But that is NOT what this country is about. So I see these problems and I want to shout. Over the last year or two I have ached to do something, anything to make my voice heard, to make a difference, to stop the massive expansion of our government. As a mother of young children it is hard to do much, but I will start here. I will study so I can understand our constitution well enough to know when leaders in Washington step beyond it's bounds and so that I can fight to uphold it. And I will write about my study and my thoughts on the current events so that my kids (and anyone else who cares to read it) will know that I cared what happened to our country. They will know I love America and believe it to still be the greatest nation on earth BECAUSE of it's inspired beginning. And they will know that I did not just sit back and watch the founding principles die without a fight.

One final note on my study this week. I finally did something I've always wanted to do. I memorized the major parts of the Declaration of Independence. It is amazing how just memorizing the words helped them and the men who risked everything to declare them come alive for me. "And for the support of this Declaration with firm reliance on the protection of Divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." Those words now etched in my memory made those men real to me. Made their fight real to me. Made it MY fight. They spent their lives fighting for freedom and working to create this country and make it free. And so I ask you today, what are you willing to do to keep it that way? At times I read the news and political journals and blogs and start to feel hopeless. Sometimes I feel like turning it off because it's already too far gone and they obviously don't care what the people of America think. That they'll just do what they want anyway. And I'm tempted to shut it out and ignore it. I know people do that. But if you choose to sit at home and do nothing, the political elite in Washington will decide your freedom away. And you'll wake up one morning and wonder where it went. I don't know exactly how to fight the Big Government corruption and politics, but this blog entry is one step for me. Going to a Tea Party is one step for me. Writing my congressmen is one step for me. Staying current on what's going on in the news and the world is one step for me. Learning about the constitution enough to defend it with my voice and my vote is one step for me. I will keep taking little steps and hopefully I can encourage someone else to take some steps of their own so that we can march ourselves back into a government that really IS run by its people and not corrupt career politicians.


  1. GREAT first post! I'm in total support, and so proud of you. I'll keep sending you stuff--we can be educated and motivated together!

  2. Very inspiring. I have long admired the courage and conviction of the founders for their commitment to the cause of liberty. Your story of connecting with them makes me want to reread the Declaration of Independence and it makes me proud that there are still Americans who value and respect their work. I look forward to reading more and to getting MAD with you.
