Friday, January 15, 2010

What I’m Reading

A friend asked me to share what things I’m reading to study up and keep up on current events.  Here’s my list….(note, this list includes ones I’ve read and ones I want to read)

-The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen (good one to start with)
Soon I’ll start doing a chapter by chapter review of this one because this shows the dramatic shift from where the founders started to where we are today.
-The Making of America-the Substance and Meaning of the    Constitution by Cleon Skousen
-The Federalist Papers-Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
-Common Sense by Thomas Paine (see below)
-Glen Beck’s Common Sense (which has Thomas Paine’s original Common Sense in the back-VERY good-Beck’s is ok taken with a grain of salt.  He’s a little extreme/harsh, but I agree with a lot of what he says)
-Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin (good one to start with)
-Locke’s treatises on Government
-Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville
-Ben Franklin’s autobiography
-The Real George Washington
-The Real Thomas Jefferson
-New Deal or Raw Deal by Burt Folsom
-Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg
-America Alone by Mark Steyn

Classic Fiction:
I’m trying to read some of the classics of that time period:
Pilgrims Progress, Gullivers travels, Johnny Tremain, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, April Morning

Online News Sites:
Almost daily I read one or all of these Online News sites:
-Wall Street Journal (I used to write this off as only a financial newspaper.  Not true at ALL.  It covers all aspects of news and has wonderful opinion pieces on politics and the world.  I get the bulk of my news from this site probably.)  You do have to pay for subscription though, which can be pricey.  There are student discounts I think.
-National Review Online National Review Online
-Human Events Human Events
I almost never read NBC or the main news sites because they’re so liberal and full of garbage anyway.  But they are always good for sensationalistic news and pictures.

Other ways I get news/info:
-Newt Gingrich’s weekly email letter (you can sign up here:  I like Newt.  He is a historian so he uses history as a basis for his ideas, which I really appreciate.  I like a lot of his ideas for governing and solving America’s problems.   No, past his personal life is not the greatest, but I do like his ideas.
-Imprimis, a monthly publication from Hillsdale College.  They call it a Liberty Digest with articles and speeches from leading conservatives.  It’s free and very educational.  Imprimis Subscription
-The Claremont Review of Books-a quarterly Magazine (very good) 
-Talk Radio-I also listen to talk radio/podcasts when I can.  I like it because they take issues and news events and explain them, discuss them and give background on them.  For a busy mom, I like to have someone do that for me since I can’t spend my whole day studying up on the issues. 
- Rush Limbaugh
-David Boze  on KTTH Seattle 770 am 3-6 PST.  He is in seattle so you get news from there too, but he is the best I’ve found so far.   He studies the issues and then talks about them rather then yelling at the other side.  He is kind and civil to his callers and not rude like many I’ve heard.  I get really turned off by the ones that rant and rave at the other side and are mean to callers like Mark Levin and even Rush sometimes.  I download the David Boze show podcasts and listen to them on the treadmill.
-American Conservative University Podcast often has good stuff to.  Speeches and interviews.
So that’s what I’m reading/listening to right now.  Feel free to keep sending new websites, articles or shows my way!

1 comment:

  1. Might I suggest
    It is from Kirby Wilbur, longtime conservative activist and radio host. He comments on various national and local Seattle area stories and he has a wide web of connections so he can get the truth on the subject.
