Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hope-the Real Kind

'It is to me a new and consolatory proof that wherever the people are well-informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights." Thomas Jefferson

I feel so happy this morning that we have a vote again!  We have a say again in our government!  It is small right now, but we can make it bigger this year.  It gives me hope!  I haven't felt hope for several months if not almost a year!  We proved again yesterday that the constitution is an amazing miracle.  It provides a way for us to throw off or at least balance out ideas and governing that we do not agree with without going to war.  Here again is another great video that shows the power of what happened last night. And as my mother in law said, "We got our miracle!"
Massachussett's Miracle
I'm so grateful to the founding fathers and for the inspiration they received to create such a process. No, our problems are not over. But it gives me such hope today to know that when the people don't like something the government is doing, they CAN make their voice heard one way or another. Those in power right now have NOT been listening to us.   It has been so frustrating to be on the side with no say, or virtually none because of the Democrats super majority.  But they weren't even listening to their own side!  So as Thomas Jefferson said above, we will set things right in a way that they cannot ignore. 

I was reminded in my studies this week of the whole point behind the two wings of government.  Two wings to the Eagle.  The book, Making of America by Cleon Skousen describes it this way: "The left wing was meant to be the "problem solving" wing or the wing of compassion.  Those who function through this dimension of the system are sensitve to the unfulfilled needs of the people.  They dream of elaborate plans to solve these problems."   Obviously, those solutions cost money.  So there is the right wing which "has responsibility of conserving the nation's resources and the people's freedom.  Its function is to analyze the programs of the left wing with two questions: First can we afford it?  Second, what will the proposed plan do to the rights and individual freedom of the people."  We need both sides of the eagle in order to fly straight and to fly higher.  When the left wing becomes too powerful we drift toward tyranny because there is no one to protect costs or the rights of the people.  When the right wing becomes too powerful then the we drift towards anarchy when the government "loses credibility" and the people take things into their own hands. 
This year we have been drifting...well, I would say rushing into tyranny as the left wing has had free reign.  But last night was a huge step back towards the middle.  Let's tip the scale some more this year.  Let's put our government back in the middle in November!  But let's do it with more people like Scott Brown and less people who are career politicians.  But I get ahead of myself.  That's a post for another day!
Congrats to Scott Brown, the people of Massechusetts AND the American people.

1 comment:

  1. I was just reading about and thinking about the beauty of the 2-party system. There is always great tension between the 2 parties, and that can lead to improvements in our way of life. It doesn't always do that, but sometimes it does, and I think that is a great strength inherent in our system of government. Here is where I read some thoughts along those lines:
